Taste Like a Pro

Taste Like a Pro


Nobody wants to look like a dill when they’re tasting wine. So here are five easy steps to keep you looking classy while you’re sipping the good stuff.


You know that thing about stopping to smell the roses? It’s the same for wine. Take your time and enjoy the whole experience.


By drinking less, you can afford to drink better . Fill your glass to about one-third at most.


That’s swirl , not slosh. Hold your glass by the stem and gently move it in a circular motion for a few seconds. Swirling the wine helps to release those aromatic vapors - which you’re going to want when you move to step


Get your nose right down into the glass and take a good long sniff (you’re going to be so glad you only filled it to one-third). Your nose can detect thousands of aromas: it’ll tell you more about the flavour of your wine than your tongue possibly can, so put it to work.


Take a sip of wine and let it spread across your tongue and into your mouth. Swish it around to maximise contact. Now here’s what the pros do: with a small amount of wine resting in the hollow of your tongue, suck in some air through your lips so that it flows over the wine. This increases aeration, releasing additional flavours and aromas. Swallow. Smile.


Practice step 5 in private before you attempt to impress your friends.

So there you go; with a little practice, you’ll be looking like you were born in the shadow of an old chateau, with a Bordeaux blend in your hand. Très bon!