First Frost Sauvignon Blanc 2023


First Frost Sauvignon Blanc 2023


First Frost Sauvignon Blanc 2023

750 mL
6 x 750 mL



Just because this wine is lighter in calories and alcohol doesn’t mean it skimps on flavour. Far from it – this Sauvy is packed full of all those classic Marlborough flavours you love – gooseberry and tangy tropical fruit – with the added charm of being lighter. The palate is no less vibrant and zesty, and with fabulous structure and length to boot, what more could you want!

Varietal Sauvignon Blanc
Vintage 2023
Country New Zealand
Region Marlborough
Volume 750 mL
Closure Screw Cap
Alc/Vol 8.5%
Peak Drinking Enjoy Now
Winemaker Chris Darling

Food Pairing

Food Pairing

Spicy Food

Taste Description

Taste Description


Full of lifted gooseberry and tangy tropical fruit.

Flavours and Palate

Vibrant and zesty citrus flavours with a nipping bite of acidity, and fabulous structure and length to boot.

Viticulture Vintage & Winemaking

Viticulture Vintage & Winemaking

Marlborough, New Zealand

For many people, Marlborough, located at the top of the North Island, IS New Zealand. After all, it was Marlborough, and its acclaimed Sauvignon Blanc, that brought New Zealand to the wine world’s attention. But although Sauvignon Blanc remains the area’s flagship, Marlborough’s diverse meso-climates and sub-regions also offer pure, intensely flavoured Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, and aromatic whites.

Chris Darling - Winemaker

Growing up in Australia, Chris’ interest in wine first stemmed from his father – an avid wine lover himself, who shared the stories and mystiques of the world of wine with his son. This initial interest soon turned into a passion, which led Chris to pursue a career in the industry with the aim of crafting wines which could be enjoyed the world over.
After completing an Oenology degree at Roseworthy College in Adelaide, Chris worked in vineyards across Western Australia before relocating to New Zealand in 2003.